The Directorate of State-owned Barang I Directorate General of the State Property Ministry of Finance to the new settlement penertiban the state-owned assets of 50 percent. Ministry of Finance can complete penertiban target BMN assets at the end of the year 2009.
"In fact, already more than 50 percent. But the number persisnya I forget," said Director of Barang I Directorate General of State-owned Assets Pardiman the State Ministry of Finance, the workshop is in between the State Security Barang Milik in Banda Aceh, on Wednesday (17/12).
In paparannya Pardiman explains, many state-owned goods inventory is not supported by proof of ownership or legal status of the obvious. Each state institutions, in this case the ministries or departments that have the goods do not conduct or recording of the adequate.
He said, the findings of the Board of Finance Pemeriksa Central Government Financial Report for 2007 said, the value of fixed assets owned by the government does not believe the truth or disclaimer BMN because many do not have a certificate of ownership. Then, CPC also found that the assets remain in some ministries and state institutions in 2007, is not presented in accordance denan government accounting standards. He also said, many remain in the asset management of ministries and state institutions, not in accordance with the provisions.
Pardiman states, should the respective ministries and state institutions to do their own inventory of the use of BMN. But, in fact, many of them do not do this. "We should do the inventory," he said.
Reports on the results of the examination semester II in 2007, recently submitted Pemeriksa Finance Agency (BPK), found the number of awkwardness in the use of assets owned by several state ministries, institutions and individuals.
CPC, in the report, highlights the BMN as 35 buildings worth Rp 77.60 billion in the Proclamation Road, Central Jakarta, the country should be used, but the other party. CPC other reports, which received Kompas, Monday (14 / 4), also revealed the chaotic marutnya-BMN.
However, irregularities in the management of not only the house, building or buildings owned by the state, but also other assets, such as land, machinery, and vehicles.
BMN also revealed the use by third parties in 19 departments and agencies without the permission of the Minister of Finance, let alone contribute to the state. BMN is a land area of 10,078.85 hectares of the estimated price of at least Rp 3.79 trillion. Building and construction of 117 units with a minimum value of Rp 273.8 billion and the equipment and machinery as much as 11,744 units with a value of Rp 61.77 billion.
CPC also reveal, state-owned land in the 20 departments and agencies of 344,092.4 hectares with a value of Rp 5.2 trillion has not been certified. While the 387 area of 51,595.8 hectares of land in 12 departments and institutions worth Rp 1.13 trillion in the status of legal disputes. There is also no clear ownership. (Kompas / 17 April 2008)
Expose Pardiman workshop participants before the show, until the end of November 2008, the settlement of penertiban BMN 80-99 percent, reaching a new 3 percent. The percentage of the settlement of less than 50 percent of assets BMN reaches 39 percent of the total assets of the country.
Some participants also stated, it is very difficult to do penertiban administrative state assets when regional autonomy in progress. Bambang, staff Sumatra Central River Region of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam I said, when the process of autonomy and take office of Public Works department was changed to offices under the local government, many assets, and then transferred to local governments. "Is that right only use or change to the property, has not been clear until now," he said.
Pardiman also acknowledge, the delay penertiban assets, such as state-owned land, as there is no exemption from the National to the conditions. He said, Ministry of Finance expects a dispensation from the BPN certification center to make hundreds of thousands of hectares of state land that does not yet have a certificate.
"But, we just have to keep coming to the office of BPN and registering hundreds of thousands of hectares of land owned by the state. If it can, there is a kind of exemption for that," he said.