Update you about the fiscal exit tax in indonesia
I like to update you about the fiscal exit tax and sunset policy regulations, which might become handy for your personal or company needs.
Refer to Directorate General of Tax (DGT) Decree No. 53/PJ/2008 dated 31 December 2008, the subject that entitled to pay the fiscal exit tax are:
- More than 21 years old.
- And do not have tax ID.
Once you have the tax ID you are not will be subject for fiscal exit tax anymore and also your dependants or family member with straight relationship (i.e. parents and parents in law, your child and adopted child, step child)
Where the requirement to get this exemption are:
1. Bring the original tax ID (or copy if the one that leaving is your dependants or family member).
2. Bring the copy of family card (the document that listing all your family member from your local district government)
3. A statement letter that explain that the family member were borne by the owners of tax ID (if the one that leaving is your parents in law or your parents)
Therefore what I like you to be aware are:
1. Ensure that your tax ID is valid (consist of 15 digits).
2. Ensure that the name in your tax ID, ID card and passport are the same without major difference.
3. Ensure that your tax ID have at least already registered more than 3 days in the tax office.
4. Ensure that you prepare and bring the statement letter and all the copy of above documents when you are planing to leave overseas.
Please be advised now that the fiscal exit tax now is increase from Rp 1,000,000 to Rp 2,500,000 for airflight and from Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,000,000 for sea freight.
Hope this could be useful for you all.
I like to update you about the fiscal exit tax and sunset policy regulations, which might become handy for your personal or company needs.
Refer to Directorate General of Tax (DGT) Decree No. 53/PJ/2008 dated 31 December 2008, the subject that entitled to pay the fiscal exit tax are:
- More than 21 years old.
- And do not have tax ID.
Once you have the tax ID you are not will be subject for fiscal exit tax anymore and also your dependants or family member with straight relationship (i.e. parents and parents in law, your child and adopted child, step child)
Where the requirement to get this exemption are:
1. Bring the original tax ID (or copy if the one that leaving is your dependants or family member).
2. Bring the copy of family card (the document that listing all your family member from your local district government)
3. A statement letter that explain that the family member were borne by the owners of tax ID (if the one that leaving is your parents in law or your parents)
Therefore what I like you to be aware are:
1. Ensure that your tax ID is valid (consist of 15 digits).
2. Ensure that the name in your tax ID, ID card and passport are the same without major difference.
3. Ensure that your tax ID have at least already registered more than 3 days in the tax office.
4. Ensure that you prepare and bring the statement letter and all the copy of above documents when you are planing to leave overseas.
Please be advised now that the fiscal exit tax now is increase from Rp 1,000,000 to Rp 2,500,000 for airflight and from Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,000,000 for sea freight.
Hope this could be useful for you all.