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Investor Come in

PT Bank Sri Partha (BSP) has launched a new name to PT Bank Andara. The launch was conducted after the finalization akusisi by four new investors to the Bank Sri Partha. The fourth investor is Mercy Corps International (MCI), Coorporation International Finance (IFC), the HIVOS-Triados Fund (HTF), and the Catholic Organizations for Relief and Development Aid (CORDAID). 

Director of Bank Andara Paul Wiranata said in launching on the sidelines in the name of the Bank Andara Mulia Hotel, Jakarta, Monday: 
  1. Pascaakusisi by new investors, the capital of Bank Sri Partha has now become Rp 135, 9 billion. In fact, capital is expected to reach Rp 175 billion. 
  2. With the inclusion of four new investors, Bank Andara orientation change, ie, from a retail banking wholesale banking with a focus on the financing of Microfinance Institutions, such as cooperatives, Perkreditan Bank Rakyat (BPR), and the Village Institute. 
  3. Basically we became pioneers main financial partner for the microfinance sector of Indonesia, to develop innovative and wide range for those who have less access to financial services. 
  4. Bank Andara is optimistic can improve its performance. This is supported by the size of the microfinance sector in Indonesia, with more than 50,000 microfinance institutions with more than 40 million people. 
  5. The opportunity is open for entry to the Bank Andara in the sector. After the name change, Bank Andara will perform the restructuring process, including upgrading of human resources and technology infrastructure improvements.